Million. That's... a really,
really large number. It's so large, in my view, that in most contexts it doesn't even make sense. Think about it for a second. Would you ever consider
counting to a million? (One guy did it in 2007; it took him 3 months.) How many people do you know who have or have done a million... of anything?
Somehow, this month the JANGBRiCKS channel on YouTube passed the one million subscriber mark. That's now
ten times what I originally thought I could one day earn if I worked diligently and basically did everything just right after I started taking the channel more seriously a half decade ago. A lot has changed in the online world since then, though, with YouTube's own growth further exceeding all expectations, raising the ceiling of possibility for all of its creators with it.
So here I am today with one
million subscribers, and it doesn't feel real. Alas, in many ways, it isn't. There may be upward of a million actual people around the world who once clicked a button labelled "Subscribe" on my channel, but there are nowhere near that many actually watching my videos every day or so when I upload something new. Due to the way YouTube works in 2018, there are nowhere near a million people even seeing my new videos in their "subscription feed" list in the first place. Most of my videos don't get 1/10th of a million views in a month, and as of this writing, barely 2% of my videos have gotten a million views in total, in 8 years. Another statistic that makes the whole million thing seem silly? Nearly
80% of day-to-day viewership of my videos comes from people who are
not subscribed!
This is why I didn't rush to make a million sub video special. It would be woefully disingenuous to celebrate & give thanks for something I don't at all believe in because the thing, itself, isn't real. What I am definitely going to celebrate & give thanks for, though, are the many messages of support I've received from
actual subscribers, those 100,000 or so (hey, my original forecast was accurate after all!)
real viewers who repeatedly consume content that I produce. Nothing keeps me motivated like the stories of kids getting inspired to start their own LEGO cities after seeing mine, parents & their children coming together to build critical thinking skills & vocabulary through my reviews, or adults with anxiety disorders finding comfort & calm in my voice in general. It's heartwarming and reassuring to know that many people find my channel to be a sanctuary of sorts where viewers feel welcomed & safe, even in the comments section. I'm also relieved that many buyers have saved some hard-earned money by using my videos to help decide what products will provide the best value.
Ultimately I can only take educated shots in the dark and try to hone my aim off the echos of those that land. Raw data from YouTube Analytics & the like has its place, but none of it even begins to approach the value of human-authored feedback directly from my actual fans. I'm not able to individually respond to lot of it, but I see it, read every word of it, appreciate it thoroughly, and, when appropriate, act on it to hopefully make my future work better.
Thank you all, you
real people, including (especially?) non-subscribers for your ongoing and even increasing support of the work that I do. I will of course only continue to work hard to provide entertainment and information, and I hope many of you will continue to find it worthy of your time.