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Sunday, November 27, 2016
Custom LEGO Skatepark MOC complete & unveiled
I put up only a couple of in-progress pics of this on Instagram because my building sessions were intense, really focused with constant rebuilds & adjustments and no breaks. As always, space is extremely limited and every square stud worth of space had to really justify its existence. I'm definitely happier with the end result than I expected to be, with only a few small items I'd like to change if LEGO eventually makes the parts in the colors I need.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
LEGO City 2017 ATV Race Team review! 60148
Well, now I wish I had put this one a little higher up in the queue. It's a nice City set.
LEGO Creator 3-in-1 Sunset Street Bike review! 31059
My first Creator set review for the 2017 season is an orange YAM (Yet Another Motorcycle) with a couple of nice part recolors.
(Builds are not to scale in the image above.)
Thursday, November 24, 2016
LEGO Batman Movie Batmobile review! 70905
This is one of only two LEGO Batman Movie sets Target stores (or any) in my local region have been allowed to sell. The rest either haven't yet arrived or are on strict embargo (meaning they cannot be sold to customers, period). Full release day is right around the corner, though.
LEGO City 2017 Race Plane review! 60144
So much of the new stuff I got so far this season involves wheeled vehicles I thought I'd break it up as quickly as possible with the boats and this plane. We'll be going back to our regularly-scheduled wheeled programming very soon, though, fear not.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
LEGO City 4x4 with Catamaran review! 60149
Ooh, another boat, and a sailboat at that. I'm appreciating the variety this season, even if this particular set doesn't excite me, personally, all that much.
LEGO City 2017 Fishing Boat review! 60147
Hey a rarity, a LEGO City set with no wheeled vehicle and no helicopter! :D Whaddya think?
LEGO City Pizza Van review! 60150
Instant classic. No exaggeration. This is one of those sets that'll be remembered fondly for many years, I believe.
LEGO City Tow Truck Trouble review! 60137
Some new parts & prints here, a few clever elements, but definitely not one of my favorites from this wave of City releases. Actually, it's near the bottom of my list, especially for the price.
LEGO Dimensions Wave 7 reviews
Though Dimensions hype & excitement seems to have long since faded away, this latest release wave included a bunch of stuff that I personally couldn't wait to collect. Of these four sets I reviewed straight away, one gave me wonderfully fun experiences in-game, one was unexpectedly exasperating, and the other two were a bit split as well.
Custom LEGO Octan small cargo van MOC
Last week I got an itch to remove a non-custom assembly from my city layout and replace it with something more appropriate and lasting, so I grabbed 60053 and replaced it with this.
Mega Construx Destiny Hive Horde Attack review
Break is over! Time to get caught up on blog posts once more and start pumping out new set reviews!
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Room 117, "the Mega Bloks Halo room," fully unveiled
Words cannot properly convey how deep and heart-felt of a sigh of relief I can now let out. After 2 1/2 years of trying, failing, being forced to start over, and finally denying much-needed sleep in a mad dash to the finish line, it is finally "done." I have at last made good on my promise to share with you all a look at the major mass of my Mega Bloks/Construx Halo sets, all in one place, all at one time. It's very imperfect and far from truly complete, but I'm extremely happy to have it at all.
- Introducing: Room 117! (heavily edited, short)
- Room 117: Casual tour of my Halo shrine (long, wordy)
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
#Room117 teaser video
Folks who at least occasionally check on my on Instagram page (no account is required to view) or at least follow my Twitter feed have heard of #room117. In fact, it's something I talked about quite a very long time ago and worked on in vain, only to have it all fall apart when I had to move.
At long last, the thing actually exists in a nearly presentable form, and very soon I will invite every one of you to step through the door and take a tour, of Room 117.
Mega Bloks Halo Promethean Strike review
The first "Fall 2016" Halo sets from Mega were first released surprisingly early in the Summer, but this one here languished until we were well on our way towards Winter. Any bets on when the first "Spring 2017" sets will be publicly stocked by some retailers? I'm going to guess just after Thanksgiving. It's madness!
Monday, November 7, 2016
LEGO Star Wars B-Wing Fighter from 2006 reviewed! 6208
I've previously reviewed the first LEGO B-Wing as well as the most recent, so here's something that came out right between the two extremes. It's easy & natural to expect to see a little bit of classic influence and some evidence of future direction, but I found it surprising just how much of each this middle model had in store, all the way down to the classic generic smiley face on one of the figures, on a light flesh tone head!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
A look through a LEGO mini-catalog from 1979
Happy "Throwback Thursday!" This is the smallest catalog I've given a look through to date, but oh, the feels it provides for me.
Large-scale Mega Bloks Halo 10th Anniv. UNSC Warthog from 2011 reviewed
Know what? I'm not sure why it took me so long to get this set & review it. I think part of me worried that it would be rather expensive due to its age & size (it's not), and another part worried that it'd be as ugly and/or poorly produced (fitment & part quality) as the smaller 'hogs of the earlier days (it's neither of those either).
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Custom LEGO light commercial truck MOC
Hours invested, very small vehicle returned :) This'll help determine the dimensions of the loading bays in my Octan factory that's currently being built.
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