I'm going to repeat the title of this post for effect. LEGO Hero Factory 2014: HF goes Minifig-scale!
Direct link to the original information source:
This Eurobricks member claims to have seen pictures of the sets and if you follow the above thread after the linked post, you will read all sorts of informative descriptive tidbits. There are no public photos yet, but the information does sound quite very believable.
The synopsis? Hero Factory begins 2014 with a theme called Invasion From Below. Heroes are minifig-scale and have mostly headless mechs with torsos that the pilots stand in. The mechs are said to use "HF" parts, though I would personally expect to see a bit of a System-Technic-ball & socket hybrid setup a little more like the Ninjago mechs.
What do you think?! Share your comments below! Personally, I think this is fantastic. I'd love to be able to make all manner of Hero Factory vehicles & buildings with the countless System & Technic
and ball & socket parts I have. The current system is very simple and great for younger kids, but it can become painfully limiting once you start trying to go off-canon and do truly custom creations. I almost always end up dipping into other bins to try to bring some originality to my HF MOCs. With a move to minifig scale, or something very close, I could let Hero Factory elements touch down in my LEGO city layout from time to time!