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Thursday, December 31, 2015

JANGBRiCKS Bionicle 2016 wave 1 FAQ!

It's frequently asked questions time!  This post specifically covers questions applicable to my 2016 wave 1 LEGO Bionicle set reviews.
  • Q: Why change the speed build style? Where are the clicking sounds?
    • A: The previous way took an inordinate amount of time to edit.  I need more time to work on (city) MOCs, so this was a conscious and essential compromise.  I will not change back.
  • Q: Why did you not show all of the new parts in the _________ review?
    • A: Going into depth about the same new parts in every review would be unbearably repetitive and annoying to viewers.  I will do some summary work after all of the reviews.
  • Q: Which do you prefer, 2015 or 2016 sets?
    • A: After reviewing all of the sets I will cover this in a summary video.
  • Q: What's your favorite set from 2016 wave 1
    • A: After reviewing all of the sets I will cover this in a summary video.
  • Q: Will you do 2016 Bionicle MOCs?
    • A: It depends upon whether inspiration strikes.  My city is my top priority for MOC work.
  • Q: How do I make my videos look exactly like yours?


  1. I maintain a belief that doing a walkaround of your filming setup would contribute to the world of film knowledge out there. You've long passed the need to be afraid of imitators (you're in a thoroughly dominant market position), and I believe that the advice you give in that post on learning proper technique goes really well in conjunction with a "this is specifically how my setup looks" video. I hope you reconsider your position on it.

  2. Do you like how different it is from the last toas. Sorry if spell anything wrong

    1. I prefer 2016 Lewa, but the run tt are leave or take.

  3. Do u like how different the building system is?
