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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Specter addresses the Sempax

What you are about to hear is an encrypted, audio-only transmission sent out by fan favorite Specter, the perennial stealth specialist.  It is the first in a series of personal pleas sent through a very convoluted network of communication relays not accessible by most Hero Factory personnel.

We've heard rumblings about "order" in the past.  What could it be?  Who is the Sempax?  What are the "Greys?"


  1. God, if this is what i think it it is, (War in the hero factory)Its amazing.

    1. It might just be me, but your name sounds familiar to someone else's... Chronos I think it is... but I could be wrong you know. 8-)

    2. @Genesis: Shouldn't your name be Dionysus, Lord of Wine?
      Just sayin, if you want to be true to Greek mythology.

      You're kind of like LEGOJANG2 to Jang, except with Chronos.
      So, you should change your name.

    3. Genesis, lord of wineApril 13, 2012 at 3:34 PM

      Nuuuuuuuuuu i will not change.

  2. First comment!
    wow mysterious... does this have anything to do with the meetings from the savage planet posts?

  3. interesting.......

  4. Holy Schnickerdoodle!!! The "loss of order" story is coming! Specter looks awesome in his breakout armour! Can't wait to here the rest of the story!

  5. I never imagined that Specter sounded like that...

  6. Wait a minute... what Goruz said Specter said, I get it now! The answer is...

  7. Is that a picture of Specter v.4?

  8. Holy s***! so that is specter v.4 right? I so called it!

  9. Specter? Oh, I thought the picture was Sempax... where have I heard that name before? And is this anything based off my possible storyline idea? If it is, it might include Bharzot!

    1. It probably won't include Bahrzot. Don't get your hopes up.

  10. I didn't expect specter v.4 to look like that[I'm not saying it looks bad]!

  11. Replies
    1. But goruz knows otherwise.

    2. Genesis, Lord of wineMarch 23, 2012 at 11:22 AM


      Goruz is so last weeek =P

  12. WahabiHobo: The Hobo of Wahabi WHO HATES GLITCHY IPADS!March 18, 2012 at 5:55 AM

    YEAH,,iiT looks a lot moar like Zeyek v.4 than specter.
    PS: Do not reply to this Chronos, Lord of Typos like you did tik another

  13. Oh boy. Another MOC thief trying to steal Ryan Fissure. Oh, and guess what. They are 47 years old!

    Username: fbohore
    Creation name: Creation from Heropad application
    Category: Challenge 2

    When will it end?

  14. Legojang, someone copyed your moc

    Ryan fissure is stolen by fbhore

  15. Okay, I have tried to post this comment like three times, but each time I accidentally refresh or somehow lose all that I've typed. Anyway, here it is.

    I seriously doubt that the guy in the video is Specter, as Specter has no gold on him, and as we have yet to see Sempax, I think that that guy might be him.

    I am pretty sure that I have figure out the whole situation of the storyor at least a vague idea, judging by what we know.

    One thing is for sure, this will be an epic story!

  16. So is that Specter or the Sempax in the video?

  17. Wow, the confusion about who's shown in the video boggles my mind:

    1) The post & blog title both say "Specter addresses..."
    2) The post itself says "What you are about to hear is... sent out by... Specter."
    3) The audio transmission is of a character repeatedly speaking to "Sempax."

    If it's still unclear, the character in the video is Specter :)

    Who/what the Sempax is, what he/she/it looks like, what his/her/its precise relation to the Hero Factory is, none of us know.


    1. Thanks for clearing that up, JANG.
      I thought that the video was of the Sempax because Specter doesn't usually have gold in his color scheme. (Still not sure what I think of that.)

    2. Correct, Specter has never used gold, and still doesn't :)

    3. So, did you paint the mask a different color?

    4. Oh...
      The Kualsi has been recolored to gunmetal, right?
      It was the glare off of the mask threw me off.

  18. The "Order" that Specter and Onyx speak of sounds remarkably similar to the Jedi Order. They even have lightsabers! It seems that there is to be a war between Hero Factory and an unknown faction, lead by this "Sempax". Onyx and Specter (in v4 armor) are trying to reason with the mysterious leader of this mysterious enemy. Perhaps Sempax once was part of the Hero Factory, and knows the secrets within...

  19. I hope Boravus will be in this storyline :) he was my favourite MOC so far.

  20. I think it's pretty obvious what is going on here. The "Order" is the Order of Mata Nui, and Specter and Onyx are alternate "heroes" from another dimension, aka toa, who are fighting against Goruz, a makuta, and Sempax is the being sent over to influence the Hero Factory dimension and ultimately make the Hero Factory. The Greys are just some mysterious beings who live in the nothingness in between the two dimensions, and are possibly dangerous.
    'nuff said.

    1. As cool or stupid as a Bionicle crossover would be, I don't think it would end well unless a lot of the stuff from both of the stories was ignored.
      If it was a huge group project then it might turn out better, though.
      Also Goruz as a Makuta makes no sense as he appears to have light powers and Makuta are beings of Shadow.
