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Friday, November 4, 2011

Working on something new...

While I still have a whole series of unpublished MOCs (actually two completely different renditions for each member of the series), I'm already working on yet another set, a miniature hero type with a simpler and slightly larger skeleton than the style used for Rocka XL XXS and Epic Witch Doctor.  The whole reason I'm going for something smaller than "normal" is actually just to make it so that I can more easily make vehicles for them!  Too few vehicles in the Hero Factory universe so far, don't you think?


  1. I TOTALLY agree!Lego made two vehicles!They should make some more.

  2. king. I like your larger sized heros. And try to play yugioh plese.

    1. Derp. Who even plays yugioh anymore

  3. I agree not enough hero factory vehicles!

  4. Yeah, the only two vehicles in HF were the Furno Bike and the Drop Ship... do you know that the Pilot of the DS has got a silver Hero Core?! Is really cooooool!

  5. Thank you for letting us know!Your MOCS are awesome!!!

  6. Excellent Idea. I once tried to MOC a HF vehicle but it was too small for a hero.

  7. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 4, 2011 at 12:19 PM

    Yes. This will be sweet.
    When you post them you are obligated to show us instructions for them.
    (Not really, you don't have to of course- but it'll be awesome!)
    By two forms each do you refer to your unpublished Savage Planet MOCs, and if so will they be getting alternate forms? Perhaps specifically suited to combat the Remainder?
    If they are not what you were refering to, when will you post the remainder of your Savage Planet MOCs? Because I though you had quite a few unlisted ones.
    And speaking of remainders, when will you be continuing the story about that MOC (the Remainder or whatever you call it)?

  8. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 4, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    @"King" (Anonymous 5th comment)- Dude. Don't just out of he blue ask JANG to play YuGiOh. At least post a related comment with that as an afterthought, not the main part of your comment. Yeah, you did say something related to HF. But still, random stuff like 'pleez play yugioh omg' get really annoying.
    In response to your saying that you like the larger heroes better, be open to new ideas. :)
    @LEGOJANG2- are you kidding me? Is that the screen name you're going with? I get it if you are a big fan of his, but really...

    Apologies for the overly negative comment everyone, have a nice day!

  9. @LEGOJANG2: Seriously?

    @ Anonymous aka "King": Stop telling JANG to play YuGiOh. That's a really childish card game that Jang wouldn't even be interested in playing, and besides, this is a LEGO blog, not a card game blog.

  10. @chronos,lordoftime excuse me but if you don't like it then I am alright with that.
    @XTN yah seriously!

  11. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 5, 2011 at 6:00 AM

    @XTN- great minds think alike! ;D
    My one exception to YugiOh being awful would have to be YuGiOh Abriged on YouTube. It's hilarious.

    Anyay that's off topic! Exactly how tall is the Remainder, and how heavy? And how many parts does it use? How long did it take to make it?

  12. @LEGOJANG2: You need to change your name, or I will contact Google about forcibly removing your Blogger account for impersonation. What you are doing is 100% completely unacceptable (both completely unethical and illegal) and will NOT be tolerated.

  13. king.Hey I'm just curise & I don't know that many people ho plays it. & just let it go!Jes, you people let it go! I can speak my mind, oh also I think it's clever makeing small heros it's just that Ilike big things SO LEAVE ME A LONE!

  14. @LEGOJANG2: Stupid troll is stupid.
    Jang's right, you'll get removed for impersonating a genius.

    @Chronos, Lord of Time: The Remainder weighs 2 pounds. He verified it in a Facebook entry from August.

  15. How about you make mini versions of the 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 and make mini vechile for each of them!
    Also, when are you going to make a Evo 3.0?

  16. There is a Savage Planet Comic 2.

    Rocka is yellow on the cover.

  17. Hey LEGOJANG2 i was on your blog and you don't even have pictures for your MOCS.
    Golden Reapa. Seriously?

    this is my first hero factory MOC, based on the hero factory 4.0 series which is coming soon.
    golden reapa AKA fuse bot 1 is the result of an accidental fusion of rocka and toxic reapa. and a little bit of speech like " if I do this I will save the world!" and " I wanna fuse with him so my mind can take him over!". rockas plan failed miserably near the end of his battle as he let toxic reapas plan get the best of him. badly injured near the end of his fight , rocka let toxic reapas mind take him over as he was recovering and as a result became a villain. he beat up 2000,0000,0000 heroes in 1 year before rocka took over again and during the battle of hero factory unfused and joined in the battle. toxic reapa died after being unfused because it was too painful for him. the ghost of toxic reapa is now seen around the place where the battle of hero factory happened roaming the streets in the last hours of the day.


  18. I hope the mini build is quick and easy. I'm running out of parts for my MOCs.

  19. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 6, 2011 at 3:41 AM

    @Anonymous (21st comment)- Okay, okay, now don't get on his case about his blog itself- the problem is that he is imitating JANG to some extent.I mean seriously, LEGOJANG2? Dude, just change your username and be done with it!

    @"King"- Geez dude, sorry. I guess I must've just been really pissed off at LEGOJANG2 and put my anger towards your comment. We didn't wage an entire campain against you, alright? And yes, I will let the topic go.
    As to your saying about hero sizes, I misunderstood your first comment and I thought you meant that he bigger were better, not just saying that the were also cool (which us what I am now pretty sure you were saying).

    So hopefully no more arguments will sprout up (just as soon as LEGOJANG2 changes his username). Almighty then? How about we get some valid HF discussion going!

    Wow, Remainder weighs two pounds? Cray-zay! And right, didn't he say something like "working on a huge MOC, almost two pounds!"... I don't remember exactly.

    @Anonymous (20th comment)- Aw yeah, I got the magazine. The art is great as usual, but the pacing in the comic is TERRIBLE! Plus there are a lot of random inconsistencies, like characters' armor changing color from page to page.

    @Anonymous (19h comment)- Awesome idea, that would be so cool! But it would be hard to the 1.0 heroes.

  20. @LEGOJANG2:
    What the heck, dude? You make a LEGOJANG "2" blog for yourself. JANG is JANG's thing. You can't go copying this stuff just like that! Oh, and your blog is "eh."

  21. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 6, 2011 at 10:15 AM

    More thoughts on the comic...
    Like I said, lots of inconsistencies, some really funny ones.
    On the top panel of the first page it says 'Savage Planetz'. Yeah, they added a Z for no reason. Actually it's probably a typo, but whatever.
    Rocka is shown pre-upgrade in the same panel, although very small, and does not recieve an upgrade until the last panel of the page.
    Rocka is the only hero whose eyes are not part of his helmet- all the other heroes see through the "eyes" of the animal.
    Lots of complaints were voiced in various places that Furno has a plasma bow that he almost never uses, or if he does he uses it as a blade. We actually get to see Furno shoot at Waspix with his bow! Yay!
    Also Rocka becomes RXL in less than a frame. Yep. And his forearm armor is gunmetal in one picture and gold in the next. Too bad it wasn't gold in the real set, that would be so cool.
    Oh, and Stormer epicly uppercuts Aldous.

  22. King.Thanks Chronos,Lord of Time, I'm relly thankful for you explaning it out. I relly like the small guys to its only that I like seeing all the big poseise, and respecting LEGOJANG 2, I will "ignore" him. Agian thanks Chronos,Lord of Time.

  23. You need to do this with Blanko!

  24. Please make instructions for the minis

  25. Same perso that said "You need to do this with Blanko!" I meant you could make blanko a mini. Which would be awesome so please do that, it would be awesome

  26. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 7, 2011 at 3:14 AM

    Maybe he'll make instructions once he posts the new hero design. I refuse to call them minis as it sounds demeaning.

    A vehicle-adapted Blanko would be awesome- his vehicle would have to be a school bus or a clown car.

    You're welcome, King.

  27. @LEGOJANG2


    There is no point to MOCing if you don't have a MOC to go with it. There is no point to a username if you are literally ripping off another username. There is no point to saying "Ignore me" if you are still posting with that same username. I realize that this was all started over a simple username, but you make a blog with FAKE LINKS, no pictures, and what else? I realize that you must be a huge fan of JANG, but seriously, call yourself Gnaj (Jang backwards) or something. OGEL (LEGO backwards) etc.

  28. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 7, 2011 at 6:17 PM

    Alright, to be fair LEGOJANG2 did say he had no camera with which to take pictures of MOCs. And yeah, I looked on his blog. Both if his two blogs. Both of which are called 'hero factory MOC blog'.

    So anyway, will the new small-scale heroes be closer to the size of RXLXXS, or closer to Agori size?And how large will the vehicles be? Will each vehicle be adapted for a different environment? I think that would be cool. Will there be differing types of vehicles (tank, motorcycle, plane, generic car thing, etc.) or different ones for different teams (like one team all on bikes)?
    And you NEED to have a villain biker gang. Otherwise this entire project is doomed to fail. >:O (JK of course. :D)

  29. Cool. Make a crane dumptrucks too. Call them the herobots

  30. I just got the Furno Bike today from my friend today!

  31. Just be quiet and change your name LEGOJANG2.

  32. The Drop Ship Pilot's name is Nava Lanzadora.
    It is on the side of the box.

  33. Yeah, JANG, you must made a big BIG bad guy, like Witch Doctor (not as big as him, but something very big and armoured, not like the Remainder). And... well, I've said this in 1 or 2 posts, but I want to say it again:
    Well, like I tell everytime, I'm from Spain, and here in Spain, Ordeal of Fire series haven't been released yet, and probably, the whole series won't be released. And I have a very good idea, but I haven't got the pieces. The idea is to create 3 HF drones, created with the Ordeal of Fire villains pieces (for example, to make a yellow Nitroblast, with almost the same scheme, but with new pieces or something like that). And then, like you did with WD drones, make a third drone, like a silver Fire Lord, and not as bigger as the original, to command the other two drones.
    I give you the idea, you just put together the pieces. Right?

  34. @chronos,lordoftime I have two blogs?

  35. sweet vehicles what r they gonna be???? i bet your gonna make a super fast fighter jet cause that would be awesome

  36. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 10, 2011 at 3:13 AM

    Yeah, you have two blogs! One has a bar saying that nothing's been posted there yet, but the other one has your entries about Golden Reapa and your personality test thingy. Did you accidentally make two or something? Well, click on your name in the top right corner if your comment after it appears on the page. Then it should show your profile. There were two blogs listed, both with the same name. At least, that's what I found, but maybe it was glitching on me.
    If that doesn't work, try signing out or whatever and then following the previous instructions.
    And dude, sorry, but LEGOJANG is completely right- you really do need to change your username.

    Sorry for any typos, my keyboard's acting weird.

  37. @ Anonymous #37
    Well, that's weird, Anonymous, because Nava Lanzadora translates to "Naval Launcher" in Spanish. I don't think that's the hero's name, or else it would have been on LEGO's website or in the hero bios.

  38. I say make a crazy small villain named count tallness and make him super tiny

  39. @chronos lord of time. i think the typo isnt a typo. i think it meant salvage planet 2, just did 2 in robo writing.

  40. Congrats on your 127th post!

  41. Imagine if someone made a vehicle for Rocka XL!

  42. A Roman!! A Roman legionnaire!! With a spear, knife, and sword!! And maybe on a chariot!! Also- ur so epic!! I wish I could MOC half as good as u!! And LEGOJANG2!! How do we know if u made mocs at all?!?! Any dork could post his story. At least the real JANG has proof!!

  43. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 12, 2011 at 3:49 AM

    Guess what guys? JANG2 now has three blogs. His third is called 'Crashorama'. Now I'm not trying to hate on his blogs themselves- no, that isn't it at all.
    You see, in the introduction post to 'Crashorama', he talks about how the purpose of the blog is to talk about crashes, crashing objects, etc. He also says that if you came here through his 'hero factory MOC blog', welcome. Well that's all fine and good, but let's read a bit further down.
    JANG2 says something along the lines of this: 'one rule for my blog is, don't say I'm impersonating someone'.
    I am now really angry. Really. Maybe this is LEGOJANG's problem and we can let him talk to Google or whatever, but this is maddening either way.

    Sorry. Let's talk about HF, alright?
    •Okay, about the SP comic. No, it definitely says Z, not 2. Besides, this isn't Savage Planet 2- it is just the second SP comic. But it is certainly a Z. Good theory though.
    •Naval Launcher FTW.
    •A Roman legionnaire hero would be awesome. Come to think of it, I'm reminded of an idea I once had... Basically a time-controlling villain, Clockwork (or maybe Chronos!) pulls villains and random objects through the time stream, and the heroes need to fight them with gear from the future, upgraded gear from the past, etc. I once MOCed a few if them, but I forgot what most where... Maybe it is written down somewhere... Although I do know Evo was a Spartan. :D
    Ah! I just found the list of these! Maybe I'll post them sometime, for inspiration, ya know?
    •A vehicle for Rocka XL would be crazy, but a vehicle for Rocka XLXXS would-be so cool!

    Whew. Long comment.

  44. Yeah, very long comment!
    And, if you make a vehicle for Rocka XL it must be, at least, as bigger as the Bionicle "Thornatus"! And the only way Rocka can use it is like an skateboard!
    A vehicle for rocka XL XXS and for Epic WD would be cooool! Oh, I have a very good idea! Make a personalized battle vehicle for the jungle, like a HF Exo-Toa, for Rocka and for the WD (both of them, of course, in chibi height), and... let them fight!!!!

  45. @Chronos, Lord of Time
    I have made a Cronus-like Moc(complete with giant scythe!)(Cronus, not Chronos, BIG difference) and half-developed a storyline for it.
    Cronus came to the Hero Factory because apparently, it was not Zeus who was to overthrow him. Nor was it Poiseidon, nor Hades, nor Demeter, nor Hera, nor Hestia. Apparently even the wisest of soothsayers can't completely predict what will happen 10,000 or so years after they die. No, it was a seventh child,-------, who would have overthrown him, underthrown him, just thrown him to get to what they thought was their throne. So The Titan of Time and The Ages went to the Hero Factory to try to procure help to defeat his overthrower.I made Cronus make Charles Klokentock 1.0 (basically Cronus 2.0)(also equipped with giant-in-proportion-to-body scythe!)(I want to have a side conversation between Zeus and Cronos with Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Poiseidon and Hades on the sidelines where Cronos basically says how power-hungry and royally messed up he was, and that if they don't trust me that's fine, just know you can.)


  46. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 14, 2011 at 3:43 AM

    Wow, "Rednaxela", that's an awesome idea for a story. So... Is Charles Clockentock controlled by Cronus, so he doesn't arouse suspicion? Did you MOC any of these guys yet? And was it you who continually asked JANG to make Greek god MOCs?
    I have recently made a Bionicle form of Chronos. He currently is on his second version, after I made many design revisions. He has clock-like gears on his back and shoulders, and is about twice the height of a standard Inika/Glatorian build. I'm still working on making a scythe for him.

  47. @Chronos, Lord of Time
    (added relevance from last post)so maybe your storyline could merge with mine (for added details on both our parts i.e. seventh son could be Clockwork and Cronus to get gear from past and future, etc., etc.) Be warned, however, I work with Delta Team, not Alpha Team. So far, (Delta Team is not completely complete) Delta Team consists of: Alexis Yazmapla, Mistress of Magnetism; James Frozenova, The Half-frozen Flame; Charles Klokentock, The Ultimate Chronologist ; Aidan Temerc, A Pyrology Person; ---- Temerc, A Cryo Kind Of Guy; (the Temerc twins have not been finished yet) and 2 others I don't have names for yet.
    Please let me know,

  48. I think you're gonna take inspiration from Bionicle vehicles and creatures, as you please!

  49. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 14, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    Okay then.

    Nate. Nate and Aidan Temerc. Another team member: Kelvin Precipous, the Stonebreaker Champion. I dunno, just ideas.
    I don't really know how it would work if we were to merge our storylines... Mine has a Bionicle parallel, as well (parallel universe, same events, etc.). It has already been integrated into my MOCs, HF and Bionicle, and our stories are extremely different, despite being based around the same general idea. To be fair though, yours does seem complex enough to go beyond HF and become a Bionicle storyline. I can't really see how we'd integrate Greek deities into a storyline about crimefighting space robots. Bionicle already has deities and the like, plus you could easily alter your characters: Yazmapla, Toa of Magnetism; Klokentock, Toa of Time; etc.
    Besides, if we were to collaborate on a storyline, communication would be a big issue. Are you on MOCpages?

  50. @Chronos, Lord of Time
    MOCpages-Que?(I speak no spanish.)Please explain, Chronos, I have no idea what you just said. I like the sound of Nate and Aidan Temerc, though (thanks)I was trying to make a fire/ice duo (temperature+mercury=Temerc) so i was looking in the baby name book for something brumal(wintry)(on previous treks through those pages i found that Aidan meant fiery. I think i found two unintelligible and brumal names(more readable was Genty-snow.)So I tried to just sit down and write a name, but too many were swirling in my head.(again thanks.)Question one post one:I don't think charles is controlled, but that is not set in stone.
    Q2P1I have completed Cronos(though not as tall as yours);Charles Klokentock Base Form; James Frozenova Base Form; Alexis Yazmapla Mission S Upgrade (Delta Team Heroes have base form and upgrades per mission i.e. Mission S= Savage Planet=3.0 Style ) and a couple of others.Q3P1:No. Statement of Interest 1 Post 1a: Did you make a Chronos MOC(Personification of Time) or a Cronos MOC(Titan of Time and The Ages)? SoI1P1b:My Cronos MOC is about Glatorian size but I can make him larger. Unrelated: As of late, I am trying to make a MOC I dub "Dr. Arthur James Boizizadox". However it is taking quite a long time to build. This is because his estimated final height is roughly 4'6".I have his arms (and a hand prototype) completed;they are roughly the size of my arm and are about 100 or so pieces each.

  51. Almost forgot: If you accept the fact that its a crossover, that Cronos has some relative (whom I hope to MOC) that can control space and alternate dimensions limitedly, then the fusion problem is fixed. P.S. I finished hero Zeus (sort of, and no name) and Zeus Zeus (still a couple of kinks to work out.)


  52. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 16, 2011 at 3:48 AM

    Whew. lot to say.

    Chronos is neither the personification of time or the original Greek Titan, but is closer to the latter. He is simply a being named Chronos who controls time, aging (mental and physical), and weilds an epic scythe (I built it yesterday).
    Dr. James whatever the heck he's called is seriously going to be that big? Wow. How many pieces do yu have left after building the arm?
    MOCpages is a website for sharing LEGO creations (MOCs). You create a page (a 'MOCpage') for yourself, and you can post creations, provide detailed descriptions or backstories for them (aw yeah), and comment on other people's MOCs. It's a great site, I think I will join soon.
    I don't knownwhat you mean in your last comment about fusion? It seems you mean fusion of stories. I rest my case- as awesome as both stories are, they are not similar in most ways. Inwasnt hoping initially to merge them, inwas just sharing my storyline that I'd MOC'd already. We could combine them but it would be a stretch.
    Oh, and last few things- Charles isn't controlled by Cronus, just works for him?
    Zeus hero could be Zane Thundrios, Master of Storms, and a Poseidon hero could be ____ Klusmos, King of Tides. I'm gonna make a Bionicle MOC that controls space and be a brother to Chronos.

  53. However I know that's not how you want to do it. (My brain is getting ahead of the rest of me. Sometimes that's good, in this case it's not. In this case, it makes a slight fracture in my personality.)(I can handle it.)


  54. 0. Check Chronos on Wikipedia. 1a. Yes, Dr. Arthur James Boizizadox will roughly be 4'6"-5'(my size) 1b. A surprising number (I bought four Meltdowns, used most of the pieces, added a few here and there, meltdown=50 pieces so each arm roughly 100) 1 semirelated: The Crescent of 9:Once The Hourglass of 10,--- --- ---, The Corrupted Child and the Master of Shadow, was banished for being a generally evil traitor (as in all storylines) and plotted his revenge (again, cliche) against the remaining nine (one of which is Arthur, master of acid). 8 "small" sets (one of which is Arthur), 2 "large" sets(corrupt child(evil) and bigtime bigwig (good,time)(no names)) and some number of some size minor villans. 1 semirelated b: The torso is hauntingly daunting and dauntingly haunting! (hides)
    2. O.K. 3. I meant "I can't really see how we'd integrate Greek deities into a storyline about crimefighting space robots. Bionicle already has deities and the like..." that fusion problem. But as I said above "I know that's not how you want to do it." 3.5:Charles was made by Chronos and the Hero Factory but has no other special bond with him. 4. Good names. 5. O.k, but I want to see him.

    -Rednaxela Kaabe Semaj

  55. 1b: Probably about 500-1200(even after the Vampyryx, Alexis Yazmapla Mission S Upgrade, James Frozenova Base Form, Redfish, Emily Wise(possibly subject to modifications), Khamsin(a limited metamorphose), the half-completed Temerc twins, Cronos, Charles Klokentock Base Form, 5 unnamed creations, and somewhere from 100-750 pieces in a smaller container that I didn't count earlier, all at the same time.)

    -Rednaxela Kaabe Semaj

  56. 1a Well, a bit smaller than my size, customer size, those are the words I'm looking for!


  57. This is unrelated, but I am really, really, really, really low on Gen 1 hero cores and matching chestplates!


  58. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 17, 2011 at 12:29 PM

    Reverse name, eh? Nice one, but I figured it out, rednaxelA semaJ.

    I'd show you the space/portal/dimensions guy (after he is finished), as well as Chronos and some of my other MOCs, but I cannot post pictures here, and I cannot yet post them anywhere on the Internet, due to personal issues (read that as: my computer is awful).

  59. Wait, wait, wait... what the hell are you talking about?

  60. @Anonymous: Ogel is a copyrighted name that belongs to Lego. It was the name of the main villain in the Alpha Team sets.

  61. hey I just thought, what if LEGO made a fifth season of hero factory and they were equipt for water (surge-shark, Furno-sword fish, Breeze-dolphin, stormer- lobster, Rocka-stingray and a new character ??????-squid or something better)

  62. It's my nom de plume.

    -Rednaxela Kaabe Semaj

  63. P.S. What about Kaabe?


  64. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 21, 2011 at 3:26 AM

    Um... I really can't figure kaabe out. Is ebaak like a nickname or something? Just wondering, because I have never heard it as a name before (nor anywhere for that matter). But RKS is probably an easier-to-type screen name. :D

    For the guy who asked what Rednaxela Ebaak Semaj and I, Chronos Lord of Time, are discussing, is that we both had similar storyline ideas, and essentially, we were comparing them.

    Oh, and Rednaxela, any progress on Zeus?
    Another thing I literally just thought of thirty seconds before typin this sentence is that maybe, the ice Temerc twin could represent Artemis if the fire one relearned Apollo. But then both of the twins' nameswould have to start with A (not really but from a creative standpoint I think they should represent their Greek god, in name to some extent, as well).

  65. Ebaak is not even close to a nickname, I don't know how you got there. I destroyed both Zeus and Zane, rebuilt Zeus, and half completed(for now that's as far as he will go-no amber(or yellow, even) Gen 1 chestplate) Zane. And no, I don't think the Temerc twins should represent Apollo and Artemis- I want them to be identical twins. Speaking of the Temerc twins, I only need three pieces to complete them: a blue hero core, gen 1(mine's being used on someone else), and Ackar & Berix's masks.


  66. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 22, 2011 at 6:22 PM

    Well I got James and Alexander, but what is Kaabe?
    Should Zane have a silver chestplate, or black, perhaps? Or spraypaint it?
    Who do the Temerc twins represent, if anyone?
    Did you make any villains, perhaps a multi-headed hydra villain? Or for a more humanoid approach, Ares? (Or maybe he is a hero, but oh well.)
    One thing I did was make Atlas- a huge titan-sized MOC, entirely gunmetal, that was neither good nor evil- somewhat lien Hydraxon, he would just attack any trespassers or those he believes to be criminals.

    JANG, when can we expect to see they pilot-scale heroes by? Don't want to seem impatient, I'm just really excited to see them. :)
    Ooh, do they have Hero Cores?

  67. hey Jang,
    here`s an idea for you how about you make a artic sleigh and some artic equipet hero`s

  68. Stormer's 1.0 chestplate is on James Frozenova, Bulk's is on Charles, and Stringer's is on an awesome yet unnamed creation. I don't like to spraypaint, and even if I did, I have no paint to spray. The Temerc twins represent the Temerc twins. I have made villains, but not for this storyline. As for vehicles, (since that's what this post is about), I was trying to make a shadow chariot for an awesome yet unnamed shadow hero.
    P.S. How do you know for a fact that the names "James" and "Alexander" are in any way related to me?


  69. the best MOC I can think of is made of 1 fire lord,2 meltdowns,1 surge 1.0,1 nex 3.0 and 2 breez 4.0s and it would be called toxik fusion.what is the best hero factory MOC you can think of?

  70. Well, please explain this to me: are you making another storyline of Hero Factory, or is just my imagination?

  71. Chronos, Lord of TimeNovember 28, 2011 at 11:53 AM

    I don't know for sure if James or Alexander are at all related to you, but Semaj and Rednaxela are obviously those names inverted.

    @Anonymous (47th comment)- What do you mean by 'think of'? Do you mean build, or conceptualize? And with Toxic Fusion, did you build it, and if not, how do you know how it will be built, and what sets you would need? Also, I'm curious about the Toxic Fusion itself, what would it's primary colors be, and who is it a fusion of?

  72. @Anonymous(74th comment)
    The Hourglass of Ten (see comment #55 unrelated and #59 1 semirelated A)


  73. @ Chronos, Lord of Time,
    I am glad u like my Roman idea. I tried to MOC one, but it was a fail. He didn't have enough armor.
    LEGOJANG2 has serious issues. He needs to change his username. And putting "I don't like being told I'm impersonating someone" is a scoche (that means a little) obvious.
    But JANG!! I like the idea of vehicles. And a chariot would be awesome. And I think gladiator MOCs would be awesome as well.

  74. Hello! I'm here! And I repeat: are you working in a parallel storyline of Hero Factory, or is this another sort of madness and strange names?

  75. Oh, and, Chronos: Paul Klusmos.
    (P.S. How does Klusmos relate to water? Zane Thundrios I understand, and I'm not saying that the name "Paul Klusmos" isn't awesome, it's just that I feel like it relates to water in a way that I should have recognized by now, and it's a tad irksome.)


  76. He has changed his username 48th comment to 2GNAJOGEL.

  77. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 6, 2011 at 3:32 AM

    Klusmos is from the Greek word anaklusmos meaning riptide.
    Is your story called Hourglass if Ten? Sounds epic!
    And you have yet to mention any villains, I think?

    And yes, we are creating our own fictitious storylines. Mine centers more around Bionicle with a different arc in (the same story) focusing on parallels between HF and Bionicle. RKS's story is about HF and Greek deities.

  78. @Anonymous(79th comment) Read #47, #49, #50, #51, #53-#63, #67-#71, #73, #76, #77, & #80 to have the whole story.


  79. Hey, Chronos, can I see the list? (mentioned in post number #37)


  80. Currently I am working on a side story involving three heroes(random scattered villans)(two are complete and in Bionicle style, not HF), being Namond (pronounced naa-mund), Aadres (a-drayz), and Withil (someone with a speech impediment saying whistle). The way you say their names is important, because you could end up saying:Name and Address Withheld.


  81. I have two(well, two and a half) storylines, Chronos. The Hourglass of Ten is the SUPER HUGE series I'm doing, including Dr. Arthur James Boizizadox(I would tell you some of the others, but I want no stealy-stealy). The second is the Greek Mythology storyline, which I have no name for(I'm okay about sharing this stuff, but I want the Hourglass of Ten to be completed in secrecy for the most part.)The half storyline is the one I mention above. Come to think of it, there's more...

  82. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 11, 2011 at 4:29 PM

    Wow, you got a lot going on, story-wise. I have several individual HF and Bio stories, like how there are different arcs or missions in the same continuum in Bio or HF.
    I have a few general-purpose Toa teams, an anti-Pit mutagen Toa team, and many more. Sometimes members of these teams team up to fight a giant beast or Makuta. That just gives kind of an example of my system- different stories with different characters, sometimes overlapping or interacting. Same with HF, really.
    (Occasionally my HF story and characters will overlap with my Bio story or characters, often through use of an Olmak or such.)

  83. You have a lot of storylines yourself, Chronos. Listen, I keep hearing about the 4.0 combiners, you said you've seen one of them, but I for the life of me CANNOT FIND THEM. Could you please tell me where these images are?


  84. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 12, 2011 at 7:34 PM

    The easiest place to see combiners is once JANG shows them to us. However that is not yet an option, and so I'd suggest watching video reviews, which often show pictures of the combiners from the instruction booklets. The ones on YouTube that I have watched are by HFReviewCentral, his lighting is not the best (so make sure to up your comp's brightness levels) but he does a good very job of reviewing the sets, and shows the combiner images (I'm pretty sure in all of the reviews). On Eurobricks there are a few great pictorial reviews by Luxor~V, with more to come soon, however he does not show the combiner pictures in his reviews.

  85. Yes! Aadres has been finished! (The bottomless pit of Legos would not yield legs.) I've also created a strange creature with a strange torso:Lidiln(lee-diln).


  86. You haven't posted these minihero-vehicle combos yet! It's been over a month! Have you cut this project or are you going to post them soon?
