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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A good evening of LEGO Hero Factory MOC-making

What you see above is the skeleton of one of my first LEGO Hero Factory Savage Planet series villains.  I made three villains this evening, plus two more 3.0 heroes.  The point of this is not to focus on this one skeleton or the MOC that was built around it, nor to invite impatient demands of details of the completed creation (just wait for it already).  What I really want to note here is that I feel that like LEGO's set designers, I'm becoming more comfortable with the ball-and-socket building system.  When this system was first introduced, I really had trouble wrapping my head around how to build within its physical constraints without experiencing creative constraint.  I was quick to fall back on Technic parts and Bionicle style building techniques.  I think I'm starting to "get it" now, as I'm no longer looking at each individual part in the light of its original intent.

The structure above was built using, if I counted correctly, 34 (don't hassle me if I'm off by 1) of LEGO's Hero Factory skeletal pieces and very few other things.  I ended up using some old Bionicle parts for the head, but that was just by choice, to make something extra unique (I actually started with the head, then built the skeleton).  Most of the remaining parts that turn this stick figure into a Quatros-native creature are Hero Factory armor & accessory items.

I think it's similar to that moment of enlightenment new Bionicle MOC-makers used to experience the first time they discovered how a foot could make a good armor piece, or even the core of a torso. Once you look at the parts as just shapes, not representations of specific objects, the fun can truly begin!

PS:  Looks like a bat skeleton, doesn't it?  I didn't notice that until I took this picture.  I can assure you the end result is absolutely nothing like a bat, though.

PPS:  Please don't hassle me about when my next MOC video will be posted.  As I repeat like a broken record, Lego MOC videos are not my life.  Today, for instance, I rendered & uploaded 39 videos for one of my other YouTube channels! Thank you for your patience and understanding.


  1. This one looks like it's gonna be AWESOME!!! You put a lot of thought into this skeleton.

  2. I understand cant wait in a good way

  3. 39 video uploads in one day???

    that has to be a record or something...

  4. Bat? Me, it looked like a dis-proportioned insect, even though it had 4 legs.

  5. I assume you used a Barraki head?

  6. hey jang, what are some of your other youtube channels?

  7. JANG, No matter what, I will always be a fan of your MOCs, even if you come out with a really bad and cheap MOC, I will still like it.

    P.S. This is a guy who discovered you by someone who copied one of your MOCs, so I zoomed in, saw the mark, and went to the website. That is how I discovered your Awesome MOCs! See if that matches any of the post on some of your old topics...

  8. Hey jang, I really look up to you because you make such great mocs. MY brother loves your reviews and mocs but i like them even more. I don't tell tell him that i like hero factory but i secretly have a fetish for watching your vids! bye

  9. Cool MOC! I LIKE IT! keep it up Lego Jang!

  10. Hmmm... That Moc is not awesome at all. It's VERY Awesome.

  11. I agree with everyone who has commented already. This looks great so far and I'm eager for the end result. Also, are you using a Barraki head on it?

  12. looks like one of those squirrels with skin uder the arms


