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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Custom LEGO Galactic-class Destroyer micro & nano MOCs

Yes!  I got it done!  Really happy about this one because I built the original version of the nanoscale prototype months ago and the concept hasn't drifted far from top-of-mind since.

I also made Vine of the ship spinning, for what it's worth.


  1. Hi Jang! My 6-year-old son and I love to watch your videos. I love the vocabulary you use (for him), and we love your imagination. This is a great example of that! My son really liked the spatial orientation of this. If you have time, do you ever send out autographed pictures of you and your work? Thanks again for that very educational and inspirational videos!

  2. My son loves this MOC. He was so impressed that we wanted to build a three sided ship of his own (with some help from me) -
