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Sunday, October 18, 2015

JANGBRiCKS Bionicle Self-MOC update - Golden Lorne

Instagram followers have seen a few teasers over the past few days, now blog viewers get the full reveal the day before it goes public on YouTube :)  This is my latest update to my large action figure self-MOC series that started all the way back in 2010.  This is also a completely new build, and the first time I've deviated from the original color scheme, making it somewhat of a "special edition" version, you might say.

It ain't perfect, and this one is way down on articulation from the last couple due to the surprising use of a single prefab torso, but this has arguably more fine detailing than any of the previous incarnations.

Whatever the specifics, I enjoyed the build and am satisfied with the result for now, but I'll surely redo it all again in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! that's really cool! I've never been able to build like that with my bionicle pieces before. well keep up the good work! And God bless!

    : Lorin
