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Monday, January 12, 2015

LEGO Super Heroes Gorilla Grodd goes Bananas reviewed! 76026

Unlike the last Super Heroes set I reviewed, this one I approached with an expectation of being bored.  In addition to the entire theme being something I don't much follow, the set centers around a bigfig (which I never really like) and a fairly uninspired-looking mech. Thinking about the set in the context of the target buyer/owner, a young kid, everything surprisingly fell into place.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your reviews of the super heroes sets. Like you, I'm not really into the minutiae of the various incarnations of characters so your reviews are pitched at just the right level for me. I for one would love to see you do more super hero set reviews as it's so hard to find reviews of these sets that are near the quality of your reviews.
    Thanks from the land down under.
