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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mega Bloks Halo BRAVO Series review! All 8 figures

It'll probably be awhile before I collect the uber-rare undocumented transparent figures, but here are the core 8 (actually 9) figures from the newest Mega Bloks Halo Bravo Series mystery packs, up close & personal:


  1. Hello Jang! Great review! How soon will these be in stores?

    1. Obviously I bought these so they're "out," but ya never know when what specific store is going to pick up a given new product. Theoretically since they have been released and there's no exclusivity, they should be everywhere, right now. Realistically, my local Toys R Us just put out fresh boxes of series 8 and 9 figures last week :-/ (They do have Alphas though -- got them I think 3 weeks after they were released.)
