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Friday, March 7, 2014

Behind the scenes: Mall building begins!

Construction of another large structure for my LEGO city is officially underway!  I'm taking a new tact with this one, going full-bore with building right from the outset rather than patiently planning everything out ahead of time.  It's going to be a very pure and wholesome, traditional, free-form LEGO building experience that I think I'll enjoy every much.

Due to the limited forethought, there will definitely be mistakes and regrets along the way, but I'm ready for all of that and I'm embracing it right now!  In conjunction with the different process, this time I'm also going to respectfully decline suggestions from the outset.  I'm going to build what I'm going to build, how I build it, period!  I'm also intentionally delaying the release of photos of the work in progress.  The one above is from the beginning of the week, and I've already done two more which you'll see over the coming week :)


  1. O... MY... G-O-S-H! I knew you were building a mall, Jang, and I couldn't wait for you to start building when I first heard! I expected it to be a medium sized mall, since I didn't think you would have all of the pieces. But this is AMAZING!!! I love the huge size, and especially the light tan and lime green color scheme! It makes it look like a fun place, and is were I would want to be in your city! You still continue to exceed what I thought was possible with Lego, and are my inspiration, as well as many others. Keep up the GREAT work!
    -Joe; still your #1 fan! :)

    1. as well as many *others' OOPS!

    I fully support your stance on doing it your way, after all it is your city, your imagination, your world, let nobody alter that.

    THAT SAID, I just want to do one idea for one of the little stores which I think maybe you already have in mind, which you can find in so many malls especially in the states. A LEGO Store. LOL ,your character needs a place he can go and buy his LEGO anyway. As I have no opportunity to MOC during this time of my life I completely live through your MOCs and projects, your collection. Thank you for giving me that pleasure.

    from your number one fan, undisputed no protest, LEGOholicDAN, screw the rest, you're the best!

  3. This is awesome Jang! I like the idea that you've gone solo on this one. Though my favorite building is the zoo. I just really love animals.

  4. great can't wait dued I like the whole city thing a lot

  5. I Think you should put a Cinema Too. :) And Make a video process like what you do in your Zoo. :)

  6. where do you get all your lego peices especially those huge flats
