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Monday, November 25, 2013

LEGO City 2014 Monster Truck & Tow Truck set reviews

Two more 2014 City sets have gone on sale today and I've got them reviewed right here!  I think this may do it for early '2014' releases until the big December 1 drop.


  1. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Nice review on the Monster Truck. Check out my photos of the truck in my article calledLego Monster Truck.

    Anyways... what I really liked about this set is that it focused more on the truck itself and not various little items to come along with it which made the truck very sturdy. I expected that my 4 year old would instantly break it apart but he didn't. It actually withstood a lot of play. I consider it one of the best buy in this price range, especially in LEGO city.

    Like your work... will come back! ;)
