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Monday, August 12, 2013

Second Mega Bloks failure in as many sets

After my previous post about the enormous lot of missing parts from my brand new Mega Bloks Halo Pelican, I moved on and built one small other set, and then moved on to a third, the Target-exclusive Blue Series Banshee.  Once again, I didn't get far.  This set is missing one whole engine piece, and has the spaceship parts equivalent of two left legs (and no right one).

Pictured above:  The extra pieces in the Banshee set.  I get that many extras in a fairly small set, but I'm missing two critical parts.  My frustration meter is registering a very high value right now.


  1. And that's why so many people still consider Mega Bloks inferior.

  2. The big diff between lego and mega bloks

  3. And that is why I don't get these any more.

  4. Wow another set missing important pieces Mega Bloks really owes u

    My name is lil dog 1216 I don't have an account

  5. Don't buy Mega Blocks, nuff' said. These people don't deserve the support.

  6. Anymore sets and you can say that Mega blocks is one the worst building blocks
    companies to make sets

    Lil dog 1216 signing off

  7. Man they should give u two free sets
