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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory Furno series 4 set review (Breakout)

Here's another LEGO Hero Factory series 4 (Breakout) release, Furno.  The original super-rookie! He may no longer be the front-running underdog in the series, but he's still liked by many, and thankfully they made him one of the larger heroes of the line.
Just one more to go!


  1. Furno 1.0 was a kid. 2.0 was a teenager. 3.0 was a young adult. Now he's fully grown. If you look at his forms, it really does look like he's growing up.

  2. no you have two to go breez and thornraxx but if you mean one more hero than yeah

  3. They could have added a weapon on his silver arm

  4. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 21, 2011 at 8:19 PM

    How you say 'turbine' makes me picture Furno appearing from a small lamp, and granting Corroder three wishes...

    Anyway, good, as always. I wish the trans orange piece was trans red.
    Do you have Breez and Thornraxx yet?

  5. Furno's pretty cool (PS, you rock Legojang)

  6. IT`S JORDON 2444!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I orinionally was not going to get this guy but now that I acctually see him he is awsome i am totally going to get him.

    Thanks for the reveiw Jang you are awsome

  8. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 22, 2011 at 1:49 PM

    @Anonymous (6th comment)- Uhhh... No, not really. The only thing is the piece used for the helmet, and even that is flipped around on Jordan2444. Next are you gonna be saying that Surge is Cossy? :D

  9. whats good Jordon 2444!! It's me strakk!

  10. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 22, 2011 at 3:22 PM

    waitwaitwaitwait, are you Jordan? I thought you were just saying that Furno looks like Jordan2444!

  11. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 23, 2011 at 9:10 AM

    Jordan2444 is a the self-MOC of MOCpages user Legofreak2444.

  12. im a ddifferent anonymous i like furno in this form
