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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Breakout MOC: Ultra Arachnix

This is a follow-up to my Super Arachnix Drone, now with an even larger design. Bigger body, bigger legs, more armor, more armament! Should I go bigger still?


  1. If you went any bigger, just use parts from Skopio. THis actually reminds me of it. I am a major fan of this. You replied to me back at the Super Arachnix Drone. You'll probably make another one, bigger still, with the Thornraxx head.

  2. At the time of this post, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It is 12:14.

  3. jang i have a great idea: you make the biggest moc ever but make it better assemble it on screen in a live video



  6. Yes absolutly bigger take it to the limit.

  7. @ anonymous 2nd comment

    That reminds me of Skopio too. In fact that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw it.


    Bigger? I say you make an arachnix as big as Skopio that Black Phantom can ride on!


    Okay, I don't know if THAT's possible, but I think you can go bigger yet. After all, you are the master Jang. Or you could make a (tiny) epic arachnix.

  8. I say that you should make a bigger version, but you should make just a basic arachnix drone...but LIFESIZE!!!

  9. When Jang posted this, it was 2012 for me, but it was still 2011 for him!

    As I was writing this comment, my Lego Magazine came in the mail, and it had the new breakout heroes & villains in it, plus a hero factory comic!

  10. you should make an epic black phantom and an epic aracnix just like epic witch doctor and rocka xl.

  11. Oh... wow. Everyone is so demanding of Jang.
    Anonymous 6th comment

    Really guys, let him do what he wants.

    1. I agree, but they are not exactly demanding, more suggesting

  12. anonymous 15th comment

    Did you not watch the video or read the description? Jang specifically stated in the video that if we want him to, he would try at a bigger one. Of course, if Jang offers to make something bigger, you know what the response will be.


    I myself love to make things bigger. That's how my 15" Mata Nui Robot got to 27 1/2".

  13. I also saw in the lego magazine that where it showed th heeroes battling their respective nemesis, there was no Breez and Thornraxx. Ironic.

  14. What a nice MOC! I really like your work with the legs.
    Talking about this kinda HF series... it's making me fool! I mean... there is not an actual storyline, but there are videos about the villains. Also, a lot of villains scaped apart of Black Phantom, Reapa and the gang; I've seen Witch Doctor!!! And there's no news about the villains that scaped apart of the new gang.
    Also, in the freaking short videos, HF members cuff'em too easily! And something that really I can't stand: there is NO NOTICE AT ALL about Breez and Thornraxx! Why?! It's very complicated to find Thornraxx, but if you look for Breez... it's IMPOSIBLE!!! It is really f***ing me ¬¬

  15. Yes, do try. If you can, (and considering how well you work with LEGOs, I'm confident that you can)try to do the Mega Arachnix Drone, or maybe the Hyper Arachnix Drone next. You don't have to go that direction, I'm just throwing out words of gradual improvement, because some people will just want you to go bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and after a while, words of gradual improvement are hard to come by. Now, I do want you to go bigger, but not infinitely so. Already it looks fabulous, and it will just take a little more to wow me into saying, "That's the final one, the ultimate." This line of MOCs is great, and I must say that you are maximizing the Arachnix Drone's potential.

  16. that is so cool you should really make one even bigger than skopio from bionicle that would be epicly cool

  17. king.That was rocka xl's main body scelatin.

  18. Hey Jang are you going to review the combiners? And I can't wait to see what mocs youll'have in store for 2012

  19. @RKS Possibly even a Giga Arachnix Drone?

  20. @Anonymous #12: Jang explicitly asked if he should go bigger. They're not being demanding, they're just agreeing that Jang should go bigger in terms of the Arachnix. And no need to point out people. It's just rude.

  21. o my goodness jang that is really COOOOOOOL. please go bigger. that would be awesome.

  22. an ultimate (or omega?) arachnix would be awesome!

  23. I completely forgot about Giga, that would(in terms of words)probably go in between Mega and Hyper.

  24. Hello LegoJANG! Thanks for your great reviews and moc's! Ultra arachnix really great. Want to ask you - is toxic reapa glow in the dark?

  25. @Anonymous #28: I don't think so. In the Toxic Reapa review, JANG said that Reapa's translucent armor pieces almost "glow in the daytime", but they didn't glow in the dark; Bionicle sets like Gadunka, Nocturn or Takadox had those NICE translucent blue and green pieces that actually glow in the dark. But Reapa's plates can't really do it.

  26. JAng you should go bigger could i suggest a Ultimate Omega Aracnix

  27. No, TR is not GID.

    *TR- Toxic Reapa
    GID- Glow in the Dark

  28. No, Reapa doesn't glow in the dark. But he is a really good set.

  29. I know this is propably impossible, but please make one three times the lifesize?

  30. I would have loved glow in the dark armor pieces on someone, especially Reapa or BP. But no, we don't get that.

    @Anonymous 34th comment

    Unfortunately, that is probably impossible. If you are talking three times the lifesize like they show in the moive, then that would be easily four times the size of the Skopio-XV1. It may sound unbelieveable, but I'm not sure Jang could construct such a thing. Other than the parts needed, the Skopio is incredibly complex, and something bigger I would probably call the most incredible feat of Bionicle/Hero Factory enigineering. However, I wonder if Jang could prove me wrong and permanently prove (to all those who MOC thieves that think Jang isn't any good) that he is a Lego Master. (although they probably say that because they just want to bring others down because they dont want to try doing something of their own.)

  31. Hey Chronos, I wanted to know how you liked my story of Meta Nui. Its about to hit the really good part in a few days, and I'm building up to that right now.

    Just wondering, what time zone do you live in? I'm in EST, so for me my comment post times are three hours ahead of what it says they are.

    If anyone here wants to see my bionicle story, click my name.

  32. @Anonymous #31: You're a bit too late. It's already been suggested.

    Examples: Comment by garnira
    "an ultimate (or omega?) arachnix would be awesome!"

    Comment by Rednaxela Kaabe Semaj (RKS)
    "..."That's the final one, the ultimate."" (Suggestion for line of Arachnix drones larger than this.

  33. Yeah, I'm in EST. That actually brings me to another issue. Maybe I shouldn't say this here, but there is still no sign of Breez or Thornraxx near me. I'm on the US east coast, I don't know if anywhere else in the US has them yet. Also I just got a new Lego magazine, and the HF ad showed Evo, Rocka, Furno, and Surge. ~• :(

    (BTW the above emoticon is supposed to be a face with a question mark if you above it.)

    Avron reminded me- if you want to check out my Bionicle and HF MOCs, clicky on my name!

  34. the new breakout updates are finally ready and im doing the combi of rocka and bp.

  35. No Breez, no Thornraxx, it's a conspiracy!

  36. jang i got a new wallpaper of evo and toxic reapa.fromthe new blog

  37. there is a sign of breez (ahlelujieah). the lego hero factory site updated itself and breez is on the products list. but not lego shop. :(

  38. The new HF Breakout online game is now available to play. The game's buggy, the graphics stink, the camera sucks, and you can't save. However, they do have a slight amount of hero customization, which is interesting.

  39. @Chronos Lord of TIme

    1. The graphics aren't that bad, but they could be improved.
    2. Hold shift and move the arrow keys to change view.
    3. A TON OF CUSTOMIZATION!!!! Colors and parts never released!!!
    4. It is VERY buggy.
    5. I can't even enter codes. SOmeone should inform LEGO on the issues.

  40. @Chronos

    They should of had a beta for that game. It would have helped, instead of just throwing out a completley new kind of game and hoping that it worked.

    I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but on the savage planet game, I'm at the mission "Ranger Danger" and when it loads, there are no enemies. I can't progress, attack, nothing. And when I try the random mission, guess what? The same thing happens.

  41. I agree, it would be really cool to see one that black phantom can ride on :)

  42. If you would make 3 times life-size version which head functions as a cockpit for Black Phantom and carries several normal-size Arachnix that would be great!

  43. dude that is not gonna happen he would need SO many pieces.though it would be amazing

  44. I think that Lego is punishing us for leaking the summer 2012 sets so early by postponing the release of breez and thornraxx. I personally don't blame them, BUT WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SUFFER FoR OTHEr Peoples crimes!!!!

    Reply if you agree!

  45. How about the Arachnix Empress?

  46. no just a bit more bigger so the original arachnix can fit inside a controller

  47. @Anonymous (52nd comment)- I don't think so, it just happened like that. They typically wouldn't change their release dates just for leaks. However, from the Breakout TV episode commercials, it seems that Stringer was supposed to be in this wave instead of Breez.

  48. That would be the assembly tower.

  49. Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
