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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Breakout MOC: Super Arachnix

My first LEGO (published) Hero Factory villain MOC, a Super Arachnix Drone, part of Black Phantom's forces from the Breakout theme. I just really like the official small Arachnix and wanted to expand upon the idea by making something bigger. Pretty easy to do and there are a lot of options for different customizations. You could theoretically make all sorts of different ones with different color schemes like Bionicle Vakhi! Hmm, that's not a bad idea actually, might do that for fun :)


  1. Huh, not bad, but the legs seem to be under armored, but honestly, who cares. ? It's a great moc, and it looks quite evil

    good work jang

  2. I would like it much better if the armor behind the head was silver, and if the feet had some basic armor. That way the body armor would be only one color and the feet could be distinguished as feet and not just the ends of the legs. Just some typical HF limb armor would work for the feet.

  3. this is my first, first comment. the moc looks really convincing i forget what the mask is called but its really cool

    PS looks like it is a lego set

  4. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 24, 2011 at 3:35 PM

    @Anonymous (3rd comment)- it is not technically a mask (like a Kanohi), but it is a helmet of sorts. It really doesn't have a name.

    Nice MOC. I actually don't mind the armorlessness. And the back spines create an awesome aesthetic.

  5. @Chronos thank you for the correction I actually have a mask that looks just like it

  6. No offense Jang, but I have seen you do FAR better.

  7. Person above me, no offense, but that's a completely senseless comment. Of course I've done better. This is a small, simple little thing. In the text and the video I repeatedly emphasize that this is a small, simple, quick, easy little thing done just for the heck of it. Anybody could do it, and I specifically recommend that others do their own, and better.

    As for comments about the legs, thanks for the input. I tried armor. I immediately took it off. I, myself, personally, much preferred this version with no leg armor. It looks more insect-like, as intended. Do a Google Images search for "Jumping Spider" and you'll see that most of them have huge heads & bodies and really skinny legs.

  8. The only thing I don't like is that there are no feet pieces, as happen with Scorpio -.-'
    You should make some kinda feet for those insectoid (or arachnoid) MOCs

  9. @Jang
    Okay, I only commented without seeing the video. Usually I comment first (Before hearing the explanation, and then watch the video, and add my second comment in contrast with the first. I do recommend that you redo this one with the Thornraxx head (It is a black Arachnix head), and perhaps incorporate some parts, like the LDD named "BIONICLE TOOTH" Like in the Takua and Pewku set (Which I just bought online)

  10. Chronos, Lord of TimeDecember 26, 2011 at 1:30 PM

    He could use basic sockets for effective feet, that would also look pretty good.
    However, I see what JANG means about leaving the legs armorless and footless. It really captures the look of a real spider.

  11. Well for my part I think that it's fine, even considering that it is small and has no leg armor. The spines are defInatly my favorite part.

  12. You know, Jang, you are right about the jumping spiders. That is exactly how they look.
    from Anonymous, comment 2

  13. What about Maelstorm?
