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Thursday, September 15, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory MOC: "Surge 4.0" (series 4)

Here's a quick MOC of what we formerly called Surge 4.0 based on the first leaked preliminary Hero Factory series 4 pictures.  Don't skip over the disclaimer :)  This is just a quick representative build using existing parts I had on hand.


  1. Chronos, Lord of TimeSeptember 15, 2011 at 6:18 PM

    Great idea. I have seen the pictures and this is a great representation. I see that Furno is already up, and I imagine Breez will be up soon... I wonder, how will you do Rocka and Evo's helmets?

  2. Did you JUST post this? By the way, incredible job, couldn't have done better myself, but here is one suggestion:
    YOu are missing the blue pipe that I think was on the photo. That would make it look a little more authentic, but you have done an INCREDIBLE job.
