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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Shameless LEGO MOC photo thieves of the world

Today I received yet another note from a YouTube member pointing out despicable low-life scum who steal my photos and upload them to the official LEGO Hero Factory gallery as their own.

The latest immoral filth goes by the username robo-G on Lego's site, allegedly a 16-year-old Singapore resident.  robo-G downloaded a picture of my MOCs Kalek 2.0 & QUADRO from right here on my blog, uploaded it to the official Hero Factory gallery, and guess what?  My photo, that robo-G stole, is currently the highest-voted image in the gallery! 

He didn't stop at one theft, though, no.  He also stole a photo of my very popular Specter 2.0 MOC, and uploaded it as "my spactor," in his words.  That photo of mine, which thankfully included a watermark with the web address to this blog (something I evidently need to do constantly thanks to filth like robo-G), is currently the 10th highest voted photo.

It gets better!  Scrolling further through the most voted creations, we find what?  That exact same Specter 2.0 photo of mine, uploaded by yet another epic parenting failure, magge7 of Sweden.

bobbyjoe116 of the United States takes credit for one of my photos of Alba 2.0.

The moral of the story?  Steal & plagiarize, and not only are you shaming yourself and your family, but you're setting yourself up for a nice very permanent, and very public humiliation.

Kids, don't steal.


It's wrong...

...and you will lose.


  1. Aw maaaan! I must say it's SAD. But anyways, anyone in this world knows you made this MOCs, cause you're awesome, man!!! You're the best MOCer ever, so, don't be sad, or angry, be happy. It's because they love your MOCs, they are just... noobs.

  2. OMG. I just clicked the link. I can't believe some dirtbag just went and copied your pictures as their own.

  3. Ugh. What a disgrace. Maybe we should tell LEGO about this?

  4. I think this is your best post so far.

  5. I totally agree. These scum-bags need to know that taking someone's work and calling it their own is bad, and plus, it's illegal.


  6. Mr. LEGOJANG,

    Hello. I am Preston Stormer. You should know me from my heroic defeat of Von Nebula. I am sincerely sorry to find out that your work has been copied by these villains.

    The rookies and I are trying to find these low-life, parenting failures of villains. We'll catch 'em soon.

    ~Preston Stormer

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Someone once said, "Good artists copy, great artists steal." I fail to believe them.

  9. Hello, Preston. You may have destroyed Von Nebula,
    but I would like to see you stop ME!!! Hahahahaha!!! Yes,
    I am so despicably evil that I will plagiarize EVERY MOC IN THE WORLD!!!!!

    (I did not actually copy your pics JANG. Keep up the awesome work!)

  10. Call Hero Factory to send Furno in and teach them a lesson about plagiarizing and why its wrong. I'm just joking but I understand that this is a serious matter and their is no real pride in copying other peoples effort and work.

  11. DUde, I know. Once I saw some scum post a copied picture of the Bionicle that never came out: Certavus on the gallery too. I also knew not to vote for any of your MOCs (sorry) because I saw a URL at the bottom, and when I zoomed in, I found out about this AWESOME blog. I hope the person who stole your MOC can read this: F**K YOU!

  12. Mr. Anonymous,

    One, I also stopped Fire Lord.
    Two, I sent my rookie friends (yes, Rocka too) to capture you.
    Beat that.

    ~ Preston Stormer


  14. Dude, I contacted LEGO about this, and they took me on as a joke, because I was 12!!!

  15. oh dear, people are copying his stuff in hero recon team

  16. It's obvious that they didn't make it (What kid has the time to remove the background and fix the image quality?).

    Also, herorecon launched today for a little bit of good news.

  17. JANG! Another MOC thief! A 20 year old guy named "dykyy"! He copied Tylus! Its an outrage! Tylus was one of your best MOCs!

  18. Guys, since I failed on the contact us on, can someone who is 13 or older do it for me? I am turning 13 in December, and they still took me as a joke!

  19. Upload the same picture with your own account, and state in the description your website with the your pictures and say that the b**tard robo-g stole your picture (Without expletives of course)

  20. Actually, some dork copied a guy named Certavus onto the gallery.
    Certavus was a Bionicle set that was never put into stores. The original image was from
    Om Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Om Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom

  21. I'm goin' to singapore in a week. I'll kill robo-g there. Muahaha!

  22. I'm gonna contact Lego on this. We'll need a higher power if we want this guy to go down.

  23. Heh heh, i bet he/she(most likely both) came back for MORE to steal, only to find that heshe got BUSTED!

  24. Hey i live in singapore... lols. Unfortunately everyone i know who likes bionicles HATES hero factory ;D

  25. well on the bright side at least u have fans that really like ur mocs. XD

  26. You should post on the message boards about the "Thieves of the world". They are idiots because it says no stealing other people's work

  27. You know, my friends do that too me. It's AAAANNNOOYYYIIIINNNNNNNGGGG

  28. Heh heh. robo-G's creations are all gone. >:)

    We owned him. >:D


  30. Well, I guess it just goes to show, you're so damn good, that even random knobs on want to be as good as you!
    But seriously, they really are pathetic

  31. That "magge7" that stole Specter, shhould be called "maggot7". OWNAGE!

  32. Hero factory builderMay 31, 2011 at 5:26 PM

    robo-G is a noob. -.-

  33. stinkin douche bags. you know what i think your an inspiration. you tempted me to buy a lego recon team(still yet to come) and i am saving up for drill dozer as well. i hates hero factory but now i love it. its standards are almost as high as bionicle!. dont let the little buggers put you down.

  34. Alexander the Stinger 2.0June 13, 2011 at 4:26 PM

    Don't worry there. As a veteren Hero I will search for those little pests and teach'em a lesson they will never forget.

    Sincerly, stinger 2.0 the original silver hero factory hero

  35. That is just ridiculous that someone would do that! If I did that to you, I would at least give you full credit.

  36. some people are just stupid

  37. Hey Robo-G! You are also shaming everyone in Singapore! Make some common sense! I am also a Singaporean!

  38. if you are having so much trouble with this, you should make a backround for every moc you make. and make sure some of the backround is right behind the moc. that way, low-lifes like robo-g cant erase all the backround with out also erasing some of the hero as well. also, put the words "HErO FACTORY MOCS BLOG" bigger, so if the pic is stolen, people know who should be credited for the real pic. or, you could add some "signiture pieces" on all ur mocs. like a 2 mm red axle piece sticking out of the shoulder or something

  39. Hé, Robo-G, alors vous pensez que vous pouvez voler Mocs d'autres personnes, bien que vous avez tort, car nous ne dis lego, lego et pris soin de lui et maintenant vous n'aurez plus jamais voler GPM anyones AGAIN.

    Ps. this text is in french.

  40. Good news! I went to look at the creations that Robo-G stole and guess what, no creations came up!
    Lego must've busted them!

  41. Chronos, Lord of TimeSeptember 12, 2011 at 1:57 PM

    "my spacter" Honestly.
    Glad these guys are long gone.

    Listen up people.
    Don't steal or plagiarize.
    Specter will hunt you down. And then you'll get steamed.

  42. someone should never do this. its illigal and so there is a 60 percent chance that u will go to jail. robo-G is lucky he didnt get arrested still he really shouldnt do this because it could humiliate him for the rest of his life


    I am shock 2.0, and I am sorry to hear your creations have been stolen. but don't fear, because I will shock and freeze those fools until they're electric ice cubes!

    from amelia shock

  44. @vonnebula666 but he and I will capture you again.

    from amelia shock.

  45. Oh man, too many f**kers in this world ¬¬'

  46. Jang, someone on the hero factory gallery stole your pic of the ultra arachnix droid!(I do not know if you found out yet.)

  47. @LegoJang- I have found a new thief among the regular Lego Gallery. I've already posted a comment notifying others that he is a fraud (with proof), and hopefully he will be brought down soon. Hopefully you can help me out :)
    Here is the scum's profile-

    (Also, I quoted you ;) Hopefully you see this and can help!)
