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Saturday, March 7, 2015

LEGO city update Mar. 7, 2015

It's already time for my first actual update on New JANG City!  The first phase of lighting is complete, rail yard has been re-optimized to make room for even more custom trains, another big section of custom builds has been added in, and I take time to repeat & emphasize important points I made before, while clarifying some of the more controversial decisions that I'm very happy with & sticking to.


  1. After thinking it over, i do enjoy officail sets as a temporary measure until custom stuff replaces it. It makes the city look much more complete. But it is your city and my opinion really isnt importent

  2. I love what you have done with you're city. I was wondering if you would build a factory or a prison.

    1. He has a Prison in the Police Station, and he's mentioned having factories in updated of the "old" city updates. :-)

  3. Love the lighting! Those "HUE" LED light bulbs are awesome. Your city is progressing VERY fast considering all you've gone through over the past month.

  4. I really like the new city, but there is one thing that bothers me: the layout of the tables themselves. I wish you would put them alongside the walls so you could put a lazy chair in front of the fireplace and still use it. Because like this it will always look like it gets in the way of your layout, maybe you should built "around" it and sacrifice some table space. That way you can still have an all custom city and not have so much empty space. As with anything creative I always say stick with the original idea or start over again completely :) But I really like the city as it is, so keep up the good work and thanks for letting everyone enjoy it!

    1. The original idea was severely limited by space. Now that I have more space, I'm able to do what I should, which is allow everything to be viewed from every side. Being able to walk around the entire layout isn't a flaw or workaround, it's an intentional, much-welcomed feature, for me, and it has nothing to do with the fireplace. I spent a full month planning this thing out, exploring every reasonable possibility for table layouts, and this rectangle is mathematically the best use of the space, and best fits my goals for the city and videos of it. I'm just not interested in sacrificing multiple tables worth of space and restricting viewing to 180 degrees rather than 360.

  5. The new Lego city looks great!

  6. do the Hue light bulbs work on any standard light fixture?
