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Friday, February 3, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Ruze 3.0

Remember Ruze?  He was the Omega Team rookie who went from dunce status to hero among heroes after retrieving a sample of Fire Lord's armor, analysis of which allowed Assembly Tower scientists to hone the tuning of Alpha Team's weapons, ultimately leading to the defeat and capture of the entire treacherous villain gang!

At the time, disbelief over Ruze's accomplishment was palpable in the air.  How such a clumsy character pulled off such a dangerous mission with no help defied explanation.  These days, though, the prevailing  answer to the mystery is, "dumb luck."  After his famous success, Ruze's popularity soared, and he was promoted to full hero status, eventually receiving the 3.0 upgrade for Savage Planet deployment.  Sadly, all of the attention just went straight to his head, and he ended up spending much of his time just showing off (and usually making a fool of himself in the process).  One time he was trying to "flex" and "floss" in front of Alba, he somehow managed to break his cloak field generator yet again, causing it to turn off on one side.  He tried to recover from the mishap and take it in stride, but other rookies passing by saw the scene and gave him a hearty "BOOOOOOO," earning an obscene gesture in return.

Ruze was humiliated for the last time.  He walked off with his head down and soon resigned his post, taking up maintenance duty on a lonely nighttime detail.


  1. it's like splitface but silver(not gun metal)
    and horizantol

    1. Well Ruze 2.0 was made long before Splitface was even known of.

  2. I'm Spanish, and I didn't understand almost ANYTHING in the whole story xD
    Can anybody explain it to me? Thanks!

    1. You want the normal lego story line or the lego jang story line?

    2. Of course, Jang's story, but just about this Hero...

    3. enter the entire text to google translate

    4. Now I understand, but I don't know what happened with Alba... is the only part that Google can't translate correctly xD

    5. Ruze was showing off in front of Alba.

  3. Thanks for listening to us and bringing the peoples back
    PS: Call me WahabiHobo!

  4. Jeez, that's a bit of a harsh fate for Ruze... :p

    Anyways, nice MOC Jang! This is a nice homage to Ruze 2.0, while still functioning as a seperate MOC.

    However- not to sound like a needy fan- but I would like to see some Breakout MOCs featuring new characters of yours. I like how you're bringing back old ones; I just don't want that to become what all of your MOCs are.

  5. Replies
    1. yes please make a specter moc

    2. Thank you for supporting me. I am thinking about making a gold an red moc, pls comment about how you think gold and red go together

  6. Is this your last savage planet moc? I am just finishing with 3.0. Once i get some more breakout heroes, i will start doing them, beginning with my self- moc

  7. why sdid you do that!?
    I thought he was a good moc (still is good in constuction) and now he is a janitor i think that is mean.
    What did he ever do to you?

  8. yeah jang you should give him a chace to prove that he isnt a slave or aything and by doig that to make a ruze revamp.

  9. you should make spare mocs and sell the on ebay

  10. Hey Jang, Blanko's birthday is coming up soon and I thought that you should do something on that day. Like you could have all your other mocs (except Ruze... he was to embarressed) go to his party and pretend to like it, or they could just completely loathe being around that self-centered guy. And maybe you could have Epic Witch Doctor for entertainment.

    What movie contest? Whatever it is, I want in (do you know how many legos I could get with that $$?)

    1. Dude, click the link.

      But the entry period for this part of the contest ends on the 10th, so get in quick if you want to at all.

  11. This is a pretty cool moc jang you should make a lego racers moc of stormer
