Sunday, January 26, 2020

Eleven years & 3,000 posts ago...

Above is the exact photo, pulled from its original upload location, that opened the very first post on my earliest LEGO-related blog, Zeyek's BIONICLE: Untold.  The in-character narratives of Zeyekti-Iiloptinous Mazzourel and a simultaneously-launched "Behind the Scenes" blog of custom creations would later give rise to my "Unofficial Hero Factory MOCs Blog," all three of which I would subsequently combine under the "LEGOJANG" banner, finally renamed in 2014 to "JANGBRiCKS." 

Good times, all, and still going like the Energizer Bunny! 

[Edit: Wait, is the Energizer Bunny still a thing?]
[Edit2: Yes, yes it is, whew.]


  1. Congratulations! Hopefully some freedom from feeding the Youtube machine will let you, umm, more vigorously reinvigorate the blog :-) ... loved your long-form posts throughout 2019.

  2. That battery-driven bunny mocking that other battery-driven bunny... Childhood-tv-commercials-flashbacks right now! Oh, nostalgia...

  3. I feel bad that the coppa thing it sucks andwe just have to get threw hard times the choice might be no more vids for 5 months but you find a way to revive and just use it I love your channel and you are amazing

  4. Hi Jang,
    My name is Jack and I just discovered this site along with the affiliated YouTube content a few days ago as I have been doing lots of LEGO lately. I am overwhelmed with joy to see that you are still out making awesome content for people who are interested. I understand there has been lots of difficulty lately regarding what’s happened with COPPA and other obstacles and I hope somehow you can keep pumping out the quality content that comes from a rare few people, you bring one of them. I am now sixteen years old, but a few days ago when I discovered you still made content I was extremely excited to follow and keep up with what you do. You see, I was around in the high of your RC YouTube period. Your videos not only got me into rc but kept me dong it for a long time even after your channel shut down. To this day I still go back and watch content from years ago because I miss that kind of quality you produce and I feel as thought there is a lack of it in today’s internet platform. I am very glad I found your current works and can enjoy that same type of content once more. I am still into rc and have just finished a somewhat custom 2wd traxxas rustler build and it reminded me of your original Ultimate Traxxas Rustler. I really do miss those videos I admit but also totally understand that it probably simply isn’t possible for you to make them any longer. I just feel like there was such a void left in the rc world that has yet to be filled. We will forever miss and respect you and hope that someday you might come back. Until then (assuming it is possible and it is something you would want to do of course as your desires come first), I will have plenty of awesome LEGO content to look into! Thanks so much for being such a great inspiration to me and many others and for producing quality content to this day. You are a one of a kind youtuber and hopefully you will be able to keep producing epic stuff.

  5. Congrats! Still going strong and I hope you will for many years to come.

  6. Hey hang how much money would you want to build me a exact replica of your version of the kylo ren shuttle with the color change and wing mods. Thank you, I can give you my email if you reply.

  7. This Picture almost looks like a scene from a movie
